What Is Social Media ROI

What Is Social Media ROI

The best digital marketers always measure the results of their campaigns. This is how you know if you should continue your strategy or adjust. Digital marketers need to be able to track and calculate their social media ROI (Return on Investment).   Social media should be able to drive brand awareness and generate revenue. It should […]

What is Cabana? Basics, Uses, Features & Questions

What is Cabana

Cabana is an online content management solution that allows you to effortlessly manage and validate your content creation. It plans your media campaigns and tracks progress across contributors. At the same time, it gathers content engagement statistics which are used for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to refine and curate the impact of your content.  Whether you’re […]

What is a social media strategy?

What is a social media strategy

Simply put, a social media strategy is a document that lays out your social media objectives, the strategies you’ll employ to attain them, and the metrics you’ll use to assess your progress.    It isn’t necessary for your strategy to be complicated. What you need is a concise, specific plan with concrete goals. This will assist […]

How to Maximize Marketing Automation

How to Maximize Marketing Automation

One of the most important aspects of focused marketing is persuading your target audience. But how do you persuade someone you don’t know? AI is the future of digital marketing in the coming year, whether it’s in virtual assistants, predictive consumer segmentation, or smart design for individualized customer experiences. Traditional advertising is less effective than […]

Why You Need to Learn New Digital Marketing Skills

Learn New Digital Marketing Skills

Customers have come to trust internet channels and technology for browsing, gathering information, and making purchases. As a result, brands are in need of marketers with in-demand and transferable digital abilities.  Firms around the world are looking for digital expertise to help them stand out from the competition and adopt strategies for the new customer […]

What Are the Most Important Digital Skills and Trends In 2022

Most Important Digital Skills and Trends In 2022

Customers have come to trust internet channels and technology for browsing, gathering information, and making purchases. As a result, brands are in need of marketers with in-demand and transferable digital abilities. As a result, firms around the world are looking for digital expertise to help them stand out from the competition and adopt strategies for the new […]

How to Use AI in Digital Marketing

How to Use AI in Digital Marketing

When artificial intelligence (AI) is discussed, people today may think of machines that can communicate with us, such as Alexa or Siri, or grand projects like self-driving cars. These are all extremely exciting and attention-getting, but the reality of AI is that thousands of tools and apps are quietly running behind the scenes, simplifying our lives by […]

SwaysEast’s TikiBar Helps Your Business Maximize Appointment Opportunities

SwaysEast’s TikiBar Helps Your Business Maximize Appointment Opportunities

It is critical for organizations to obtain high-quality meetings with prospects in order to expand. Reaching out to businesses has grown easier for the modern client in today’s society. When a client contacts the company, the company leverages its potential to boost customer bookings and build better relationships, resulting in increased revenues and profits. The […]

How to Develop a Social Media Strategy That Drives Brand Awareness and ROI

How to Develop a Social Media Strategy That Drives Brand Awareness and ROI

For a brand or business, social media marketing is no longer an option. It’s a requirement. It’s where you want to be to engage, influence, and convert with so many demographics engaged across social networks on a worldwide scale.  Look at these figures from the Digital 2022: Global Overview Report to discover why.  Nearly 60% of the […]

10 SMART Goals For Marketing Teams

10 SMART Goals For Marketing Teams

Smart marketing is essential for modern business, as we shared in our recent article. What really makes marketing intelligent is SMART goals. If you need some inspiration on setting the best goals for your marketing team, look no further. We’ve listed the top 10 SMART goals for Marketing for you:  1. Introduce new products and […]