Level Up Your Marketing with AI Tools: The Must-Have Resources for Every Marketer 

AI isn’t just a buzzword in marketing circles this year — it’s a game-changer. A whopping 95% of marketers say AI tools are freeing them from tedious tasks, allowing them to focus on the strategic aspects of their roles. 

If you’re still navigating the AI landscape, don’t worry! It’s never too late to explore the powerful AI tools available to marketers today. As a content marketer myself, I’ve seen firsthand how AI simplifies research, content creation, email marketing, and more. 

Not all AI tools are created equal, though. That’s why I’ve compiled this list of 24 must-have AI resources to streamline your marketing efforts. 

The Benefits of Using AI in Marketing 

Remember when OpenAI’s ChatGPT launched in late 2022? It took the world by storm, amassing millions of users in weeks. It was a clear signal that AI is reshaping marketing as we know it. 

Research suggests that nearly 20% of workers will see at least half of their tasks impacted by AI. But the key here is ‘impacted,’ not ‘replaced.’ Savvy marketers who harness AI tools will see amplified results, diversified skills, and elevated careers. 

I personally use AI in my workflow, not to write my articles (this one is 100% human!), but to draft routine emails, enhance images, create social media snippets, and conduct in-depth research. 

AI tools today have immense potential for growth. But even now, they can significantly reduce manual effort, streamline complex tasks, and operate 24/7. 

24 AI Tools for Marketing You Should Know About 

Marketers often grasp AI’s content generation capabilities but may overlook its power to simplify and automate other crucial tasks like email creation, content repurposing, customer service, and press release management. 

I’ve compiled a list of AI marketing tools that cover the spectrum of marketing activities, so you can say goodbye to those mundane tasks: 

  1. HubSpot: HubSpot’s AI Assistant is a free, versatile suite for content planning, creation, and sharing. I use it for blog posts, emails, landing pages, and more. Its seamless integration and SEO optimization features make it a top pick. 
  1. Campaign Assistant: Another free gem from HubSpot, it generates compelling copy for landing pages, emails, and ads across various platforms. It even supports multiple languages! 
  1. Jasper.ai: A comprehensive writing assistant for content creation and ideation. It helps overcome writer’s block and refine your messaging. 
  1. Howler AI: Streamlines the often tedious process of targeting journalists for press releases. It’s an investment, but it saves immense time if press releases are crucial to your strategy. 
  1. Bardeen.ai: Simplifies marketing automation with AI, whether it’s CRM updates, personalized outreach, or data synchronization across tools. 
  1. LiveChatAI: Create a custom AI chatbot trained on your data to handle customer support inquiries efficiently. 
  1. involve.me: Easily build embeddable forms, surveys, and quizzes with AI, even if you lack coding skills. 
  1. 6Sense Revenue AI for Marketing: Analyzes audience data to uncover anonymous buying team research, helping you prioritize accounts and focus resources. 
  1. Adverity: Centralizes marketing data from various sources for easy analysis and informed decision-making. 
  1. Predis.ai: Generates various types of social media content, including branded posts, carousels, and memes. 
  1. Flick’s AI Social Media Marketing Assistant: Brainstorm content ideas, generate captions, and schedule posts effortlessly. 
  1. Drift: Transforms chatbot interactions into interactive support and lead generation tools. 
  1. Zapier: Automates workflows by connecting your apps and parsing text-based input into actionable data. 
  1. Brand24: Monitors social media and forums, providing insights on brand sentiment and conversations. 
  1. MarketMuse: Analyzes your website and uncovers content gaps and SEO opportunities. 
  1. Semrush: A powerful SEO tool that now integrates AI for content generation and optimization. 
  1. Crayon: Automates competitive intelligence gathering and analysis. 
  1. StoryLab.ai’s Video SEO Generator: Creates catchy YouTube titles, descriptions, and tags to optimize your videos. 
  1. Fotor: An AI-powered photo editing platform that offers intelligent editing functions and a vast library of templates. 
  1. Lavender: Provides real-time suggestions to improve email content and boost reply rates. 
  1. Braze: Leverages customer data to identify churn risks and upsell opportunities, suggesting personalized messaging strategies. 
  1. Axiom.ai: Automates repetitive tasks like data scraping and website interactions. 
  1. Hemingway: Analyzes your content for clarity and conciseness. 
  1. Grammarly: A must-have for polished, error-free writing with grammar checks, tone suggestions, and even AI writing assistance. 

My Top Marketing AI Tool Picks 

To recap, here are my top seven recommendations for essential AI marketing tools: 

  • Content Writing: Grammarly 
  • AI Chatbots: Drift 
  • Content Creation: HubSpot’s AI Assistant 
  • Press Releases: Howler AI 
  • Building Forms: involve.me 
  • Social Media: Predis.ai 
  • Automation: Axiom.ai 

Going Beyond ChatGPT 

When used ethically and strategically, AI is just another tool in your marketing arsenal. No matter your specific needs, there’s an AI solution out there ready to make your life easier. 

So, go beyond ChatGPT. Explore the vast world of AI marketing tools. Let AI handle the mundane so you can focus on the creative, strategic work you love. 

Remember that the future of marketing is here, and it’s driven by AI. Accept it and watch your marketing efforts soar to new heights! 

Ready to harness the power of AI to supercharge your marketing? SwaysEast is your partner in navigating the ever-evolving AI landscape. We offer cutting-edge solutions and expert guidance to help you leverage AI tools effectively and achieve remarkable results. Book a FREE CONSULTATION today and unlock the full potential of AI for your marketing success.