What is The True Cost of Scheduling Friction?

What is The True Cost of Scheduling Friction?

Appointment no-shows and reschedules waste valuable time, money, and human capital. With the right tools and strategy in place, businesses benefit from a faster, simpler, and friction-free scheduling process.

2021’s Top Email Marketing Trends  

2021’s Top Email Marketing Trends

The right email type to the right audience sent at the right time remains one of the most effective tools to boost email marketing ROI of businesses across every market.

Basic Guide to Email Marketing

Basic Guide to Email Marketing

Thanks to email marketing, individuals and organizations can do wonders. When utilized properly, this marketing channel helps create and nurture lasting, profitable relationships between businesses and customers.   Fast Facts about Email Marketing   In 1978, the first marketing email was sent which resulted in over $10 million in sales of computer hardware. There are […]

Content Optimization Tips to Increase Conversion Rates

Content Optimization Tips to Increase Conversion Rates

Website content plays an integral role at different stages of the marketing funnel. Leverage optimization strategies to increase site discoverable factor, ranking, and conversion rates.   First, here are the 7 content types that contribute to the highest conversion rates.   1.    Website Articles  This is usually the primary content type for reader engagement. To ensure […]

Email Metrics to Track and Measure

Email Metrics to Track and Measure

Content analysis enables periodic evaluation and measurement of website content quality, highlights successes and failures of all content types, and leads to improved communication with target audience.

What You Need to Know About Content Analysis

Content Analysis

Content analysis enables periodic evaluation and measurement of website content quality, highlights successes and failures of all content types, and leads to improved communication with target audience.